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Energy Label

How is a home's energy label determined?

Energy Label
Billy Brouwer
August 2023
August 2023
0 min reading time

An energy label provides insight into the sustainability of a home and can significantly affect monthly energy costs. This label, required by law when selling or renting, is based on factors such as insulation and energy consumption and can increase home value.

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What is an energy label and how is a home's energy label determined?

Looking to sell your home or buy a new home? Take note! A good energy label is hugely important these days when buying or selling a home! An energy label shows how energy efficient the house is. And an energy-efficient house can save up to hundreds of euros per month. Therefore, the energy label also affects the value of a house: the more efficient, the more expensive.

What does an energy label say?

So an energy label indicates how economical a home is, called its energy performance. Energy performance is ranked from A++++ to G. Homes with an A++++ label are the most economical. The least efficient homes are given a G label. An energy label also indicates how a home can become more energy efficient. Examples include better roof insulation or installing solar panels. In addition, the label indicates whether the home is off the gas, or can easily be off it.

How is an energy label determined?

To determine the energy label, it simply looks at how much fossil energy a home consumes. An energy consultant bases the energy label on several factors. For example, what year the house was built, the type and size of the house, whether facades and roofs are insulated and how efficient the installations are. The energy advisor uses a fixed determination method (NTA 8800). Check out this infographic from the central government for more information on this determination method.

Improve the energy label!

Are you selling or renting out a property? Then you are required by law to provide the buyer or tenant with an energy label. A better energy label increases the value of the house and therefore generates higher returns. You can do this by properly insulating the house. In older homes, insulating the facade makes a big difference. But also consider floor and roof insulation. In addition, double glazing in bedrooms makes a huge difference. Check with an energy advisor what you can do to achieve a higher energy label.

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Billy Brouwer